More Reasons to Eat Fruits

Fruit is one of the most important parts of your child's diet. It's low in fat and calories and supplies key nutrients that your child needs to grow. Fruit helps protect your child from certain illnesses and diseases as well. Elementary-age children need between 1 and 1 1/2 cups of fruit each day and teens should get between 1 1/2 and 2 cups.
Eating fruit regularly we have lot of benefits: a lower risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, cataracts, and functional decline associated with aging.
Eating fruit helps keep your skin young. It provides vitamin C, which is necessary for building collagen. Collagen is also used to keep veins strong and supple, which is why sailors’ gums used to bleed when they were suffering from scurvy (vitamin C deficiency). If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, you probably need more vitamin C.
- Eating fruit is a great way to get a range of antioxidant vitamins and minerals as well as phytochemicals.
- Fruit helps create alkaline, anti-inflammatory conditions in the body. It also helps reverse acidic, pro-inflammatory conditions in the body. Those conditions—which are common in modern societies—cause chronic disease such as cancer and heart disease.
- Fruit is a good source of potassium, a critical electrolyte that helps keep blood pressure down and maintains the water balance in cells.
- Eating a piece of fruit can satisfy a sweet craving without any detrimental effects.
- Fruit can help combat stress. How? It contains potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, which the adrenal glands need to respond to stress.
- Fruit contains soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps keep your colon free of the toxins that can lead to bowel cancer.
- Some fruit, such as berries, can actually make you brainier. Why? They contain proanthocyanidins which enhance neuronal pathways and help regenerate nerve cells.
Low in Fat and Calories
One out of three children is overweight or obese, largely due to unhealthy diets high in fat and calories and low in nutrients. Eating plenty of fruit is one way to lower your child's caloric intake, which can help prevent unhealthy weight gain or shed excess pounds. Replacing high-calorie and high-fat snacks with fresh fruit can significantly cut the number of calories in your child's diet. Fresh fruit also contains nutrients that give your child energy so he can be active, which is another way to help him manage his weight.Fiber
Fresh fruit is a nutritious source of fiber, which many children don't get enough of in their daily diets. Fiber helps keep your child's digestive system working normally, which reduces his risk of constipation. When your child gets plenty of fiber in his diet, he's also at a decreased risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity.Vitamins and Minerals
Fruit contains a wealth of key vitamins and minerals that support your child's development and help keep him healthy. Plenty of fruit helps your child get adequate amounts of potassium, which helps keep his blood pressure normal. Fruit supplies vitamin C, a nutrient that boosts your child's immune system and helps prevent infection. It also provides vitamin A for healthy eyes and folate for normal DNA production.Health Benefits
The vitamins and minerals in fruit keep your child's kidneys working normally, which decreases his risk of kidney stones, and helps your child build bone mass, according to the website. A diet rich in fruit can reduce your child's lifetime risk of certain types of cancer such as throat, esophageal and stomach. Fruit might also reduce the risk of lung cancer, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.Improves Academic Performance
A healthy and well-balanced diet supports brain development, and eating plenty of fresh fruit might boost your child's performance in school. A 2008 study published in the "Journal of School Health" notes that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables results in higher test scores. A healthy diet that includes fruit can also increase your child's focus in the classroom so he is able to learn new information, as well as retain what he's learned.
Juice is a far less healthy option than a real piece of fruit. Not only does the juicing process destroy a number of fruits’ beneficial compounds and antioxidants, it removes nearly all of the natural fiber.
Fiber carries a myriad of digestive benefits and is crucial for slowing the absorption of the fruit’s sugar and keeping its glycemic index low. This, the scientists hypothesized, may be why juice increases the risk of diabetes, and why a high intake of fruit juice has been linked to childhood obesity.
It’s important to note that while it’s often marketed as healthy and natural, juice is not a low-calorie beverage. Just eight ounces of regular orange juice, for instance, contains over 110 calories, the equivalent of almost two oranges.A single orange provides well over the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, and without as high a spike in blood sugar.
Many juices on the market are also a lot less natural than they appear. Some “100 percent juice” products, such as those of Tropicana and Minute Maid, undergo a decidedly unnatural manufacturing process wherein the juices are squeezed and stored inside giant vats while the fruit’s in season. When oxygen is removed to help with preservation, the flavor vanishes with it, and companies that specialize in synthesizing fragrances are hired to add in “flavor packs” before the juice gets sold up to a year later.
It's probably better to just grab an apple. A bottle of juice can be a more portable source of vitamins than, a half-eaten banana.
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