A oil Massage for children suffering from leg pain Atibala medicinal plant uses Health Benefits of Atibala

A oil Massage for children suffering from leg pain

School going children sometimes complain of leg pain.Athibala  plant leaves are collected and the juice is extracted.It is mixed with an equal quantity of sesame seed oil and boiled over a low flame till all the water content evaporates and only the oil remains.The oil is cooled and filtered and stored in a glass jar.

Apply this oil on the legs and massage gently.This must be done once a day preferably before bedtime.The pain should disappear in a day.

Atibala medicinal plant uses:
Hindi-Kangi, Telugu- Tutturu Benda,
Duvvenakaya; English-Country Mallow; Tamil- Perum tutti
Atibala or Indian mallow has been known to Ayurveda for over thousand years. The plant has been used to cure ailments such as bleeding piles or haemorrhoids, urinary or uterine discharges, jaundice, ulcers, leprosy, cough, chronic cystitis and for blood purification.Atibala is very much used in Siddha medicines. In fact, the root, bark, flowers, leaves and seeds are all used for medicinal purposes by Tamils.

Ayurvedic Properties:
Rasa -Tikta, Madhura
Guna- Snigda, Grahi
Virya - Seeta

Health Benefits:
Remedy for arthritis: Atibala has been used as an anti-inflammatory drug for a very long time. These anti-inflammatory properties are highly useful in controlling arthritis and associated pains. Tests on mice have shown that regular administration of extracts of Atibala controlled arthritis better than standard drugs.
Can control convulsions: Convulsions or seizures can occur due to involuntary and rapid contractions and relaxations of the body. Research has shown that convulsions can be controlled by giving Atibala leaf medicine. Studies on rats with induced convulsions have shown the benefits of administering Atibala leaf extracts.
Anti-microbial properties: The leaf and root extracts of Atibala possess anti-microbial properties. Tests on various bacterial and fungal strains have shown that Atibala extracts were effective in controlling those bacteria and fungi species which effect human health. Significant bacterial and fungal control was observed.
Liver protection: Liver, which is one of the most important organs in our body that supports digestion and metabolism, is also one of the most susceptible organs. Though, the liver has a rebuilding mechanism, yet it can be damaged in some cases. Such damages can be avoided by taking Atibala leaf extracts on a regular basis. Studies on the leaf extracts of Atibala showed reduction in hepatotoxicity induced in mice.
Cures ulcers: Ayurveda prescribes Atibala leaves to heal ulcers and boils. A decoction of the leaves can be consumed for ulcers, and paste of the leaves can be applied on boils.
Laxative and expectorant properties: Finely powdered seeds of Atibala have been prescribed in Ayurveda as expectorant and laxative. The seeds also possess anthelmintic properties and hence, they are burned and the fumes are exposed on to the recta of children suffering with intestinal worms.

Chemical Constituents

Some of the bio-chemicals which have been extracted from Atibala include mucilaginous substances and asparagines, saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, hexoses, n-alkane and alkanol mixtures such as abutilin A, α-pinene, caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, α-cineole, geraneol, geranyl acetate, elemenes, eudesmol, farnesol, borneol, α-cubenene, α-ylangene, α-copaene, α-curcumene, α-cedrene, α-bergamotene, α-humulene, α-valencene, cadinol, α-ferulene, nerolidol, para coumaric acid, riboflavin, scoparone, scopoletin, sitosterol, stigmasterol, syringaldehyde and thymine.

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