strawberry banana pancakes-Christmas special,strawberry banana pancakes recipe,ihop strawberry banana pancakes recipe



Large banana peeled
1 Cup pancake mix
½ Cup Water
Nonstick cooking spray
1½ Cup strawberries
½ Cup applesauce


Place banana in a medium bowl and mash into small pieces.Add banana into pancake mix. Stir until blended.The batter will be sticky. More water can be added if needed.Spray nonstick cooking.Heat over medium heat on stovetop . Pour ¼ cup of batter for each pancake into hot skillet.Cook pancakes until they are golden brown in color . Flip pancakes over with a spatula. Cook until they are golden brown . Repeat until you have used all the batter.Place berries and applesauce in a small microwave safe bowl . Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap.Be sure to leave a little opening for the steam to get out.Use pot holders to remove the bowl from the microwave.Place pancakes on each plate.fruit topping over pancakes and Serve .

 Health benefits of strawberry:

They may reduce the risk of degenerative disease,reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, Use strawberries to stop stressing,Prevent bone loss with strawberries,They’re high in antioxidants.

nutrtional facts of strawberry: 

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Chettinad Fish Fry,chettinad fish fry recipe,chettinad fish fry indian recipe,chettinad fish


2 surmai (King fish)
2 Tbsp oil, to pan fry
For the marination:
7 cloves garlic
1 ginger, mashed
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp fennel
2 tsp coriander seeds
2 tsp black peppercorns
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
10 curry leaves
Salt, to taste
1 tsp oil, to grind
1 tbsp water
1/2 tomato, chopped
1 tbsp water
1 tsp red chilli powder
5 tsp tamarind extract
1 tbsp cornflour, to sprinkle


Cut the fish fillets into equal medium sized pieces.In a pan, dry roast garlic, ginger, cumin, fennel, coriander seeds, black peppercorns, mustard seeds and curry leaves.paste them. Add a little salt, oil and water to help in the procedure.Now add the chopped tomato, turmeric powder, red chili powder, salt and tamarind extract.spread it over the fish pieces.Sprinkle some cornflour over the fish. Marinate the fish and keep in the fridge for 15-20 minutes.In a pan, fry the fish with the refined oil and serve hot. 

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BREAD PAKODA (MUMBAI SPECIAL ),bread pakoda recipe,bread pakora recipe,bread pakora baked,punjabi bread pakora recipe


1 cup besan
1/2 cup water
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp chilli powder
2 pinches asafoetida
salt to taste
4 big slices bread
1 recipe aloo masala
oil for deep-frying
meetha chutney
teekha chutney
sukhi lehsun ki chutney
8 to 10 fried green chillies



Place a slice of bread on a clean flat surface and spread the aloo masala evenly over it.
Place another slice of bread over it, press lightly and cut it diagonally into 2 equal pieces.
Repeat with the remaining ingredients to make 2 equal pieces.Dip each piece in the batter till it is evenly coated from all the sides, slide in hot oil and deep-fry on a medium flame till they turn light brown in colour and crisp from all sides.

 To serve
Cut a bread pakoda into equal pieces, place on a plate and serve immediately with meetha chutney, teekha chutney, sukha lehsun ka chutney and fried green chillies. 
To avoid deep fry you can prepare this recipe in Microwave.

Health Benefits of Bread:

Bread is an important source of fibre. More than a quarter of our daily fibre intake comes from bread - essential for a healthy digestive system. Research shows that fibre may help to protect against certain cancers and type two diabetes. Six slices of wholegrain bread provide 70% of the recommended daily intake of fibre.


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Popcorn Fish Fingers-Christmas special,popcorn fish recipe,popcorn fish batter recipe,popcorn fish


 1 lemon, juice
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1 cup flour (mida or cornflour)
2 egg, white
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1/2 cup popcorn


Marinate the fish with lemon juice, worcestershire, salt and pepper. Roll in flour and dip in the egg white and finally in the popcorn, bread crumb mixture.Bake or deep fry in hot oil.Serve with sauce.

Health benefits of fish:

  • Asthma - children who eat fish may be less likely to develop asthma.
  • Brain and eyes - fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids can contribute to the health of brain tissue and the retina.Cancer - the omega 3 fatty acids in fish may reduce the risk of many types of cancers by 30 to 50 per cent, especially of the oral cavity, oesophagus, colon, breast, ovary and prostate.
  • Eyesight - breastfed babies of mothers who eat fish have better eyesight, perhaps due to the omega 3 fatty acids transmitted in breast milk.

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Pampkin Cake-Christmas special,Pampkin Cake,how to prepare Pumpkin cake,preparation of Pumpkin cake


2 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
4 large eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tbsps baking soda
2 tbsps ground cinnamon
1/2 tbsp ground ginger
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tbsp salt
2 cups pumpkin puree or cooked mashed pumpkin
cream cheese frosting,
1/2 cup chopped pecans

Cream Cheese Frosting:

1/4 cup butter
1 pack cream cheese, room temperature
1/2kg confectioners' sugar, sifted
2 tbsps vanilla extract
Combine all ingredients in large mixing bowl; beat well until smooth. Makes enough for 2-layer pumpkin cake.


Combine sugar, vegetable oil, and eggs in a large mixing bowl; mix well. Sift dry ingredients into a separate bowl; stir into oil mixture, beating well. Stir in pumpkin puree.Pour batter into two greased and floured 9-inch round layer cake pans. Bake at 350° for 35 to 40 minutes. Turn out onto racks to cool. Frost pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting and sprinkle with chopped pecans.

Benefits of Pumkin:

Low-Calorie While Helping Fill You Up,Source of Healthy Fats,Rich in Beta-Carotene,High in Inflammatory Reducing Beta-Cryptoxanthin, Provides 500mg Of Potassium. 

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Pappardelle With Pumpkin and Caramelized Onions,pappardelle with pumpkin,pappardelle with pumpkin bacon and torn bread


3/4cup pappardelle
4 tbsps unsalted butter
1 large red onion, thinly sliced
kosher salt and black pepper
1/2 small sugar pumpkin —peeled, seeded, and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
3 thyme sprigs, plus 2 tbsps thyme leaves
2/3 cup pecorino, grated


Cook the pasta according to the package directions. Reserve 1 cup of the cooking water; drain the pasta and return it to the pot.Meanwhile, melt 2 tbsps of the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and ½ tbsp each salt and pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until soft, few minutes.Transfer to a plate; reserve the skillet.Add the pumpkin, thyme sprigs, and 1½ cups water to the reserved skillet, cover partially, and cook, stirring occasionally, until the pumpkin is very soft and most of the water has evaporated, few minutes.Add the onion, pumpkin, thyme leaves, pecorino, the remaining 2 tbsps of butter, and ½ cup of the reserved cooking water to the pasta and toss to coat.Serve the pasta with black pepper.

Benefits of pumpkin:

Excellent source of vitamins A, K and C,Loaded with iron, potassium and magnesium.It is also an excellent source of many natural poly-phenolic flavonoid compounds such as α, ß carotenes, cryptoxanthin, lutein and zea-xanthin. Carotenes convert into vitamin A inside the body. 

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Kashmiri Mutton Curry,kashmiri mutton curry recipe,make kashmiri mutton curry,how to make kashmiri mutton curry,kashmiri mutton masala recipe


3/4 lb meat cut in 2 inch pieces
 3/4 cup yogurt
1 tbsp lemon juice
4 green cardamom powder
2 black cardamom powder
1 inch stick of cinnamon
2 Indian bay leaf
6 cloves, powdered
3/4 tbsp fennel seeds, powdered – divided
1/2 tbsp dried ginger powder
a few grinds of fresh black peppercorn
1/2 tbsp asafoetida powder
3 tbsp Kashmiri red chilli powder
4-5 tbsp pure mustard oil
1 tbsp Garam Masala
fresh coriander or fresh mint


Wash the meat,Drizzle the lemon juice, and some salt and toss and allow it sit for about an hour. Add the 2 tbsp yogurt and 1 tbsp mustard oil to the meat and marinate it for at least 3 hours. Overnight works better.Whisk yogurt with red chili powder, half the amount of the green cardamom powder and half amount of the black cardamom powder,all of the ginger powder, half the amount of the fennel seed powder. Set aside.Heat the mustard oil,Add the asafoetida to the hot oil. Add the cinnamon,Bay Leaf and the fresh grind of black peppercorn  and saute until aromatic, only a few seconds. When the spices sizzle add the meat to the pan and cook at medium heat, while tossing them occasionally until they start to brown. This will take10-20 minutes.Now add the powdered clove, rest of the cardamom,  and the rest of the fennel powder.Toss well for the spice mix to coat the meat and cook on low for another 10-15 minutes while scraping the bottom of the pan.Remove pan from heat. Add a few splashes of water to the oil to cool down the content of the pan.Wait for a minute and then add the whisked and spiced yogurt a little at a time to the pan and keep stirring it. Keep doing this until you have added the entire yogurt. Put the pan back on the stove in very low heat. Add 2 cups of water, give it a good stir and tightly cover the pan. Cook until the meat is cooked through and is tender and the oil has separated on the sides. Uncover, stir in the Garam Masala. Add and adjust salt. Gently stir everything in and cover it back again until ready to serve.Add the fresh mint if you want just before serving. 
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Prawn Malai Curry(Chingri),chingri malai prawn curry recipes,creamy prawn curry chingri malai,creamy coconut prawn curry


200 grams Medium prawns,peeled and deveined
1 tbsp Turmeric powder 
3/4 cup Scrapedcoconut 
4 tbsps Mustard oil
 4 Green chillies
1 tbsp Cumin seeds
1 tbsp Mustard seeds
1/2 tbsp Red chilli powder
1 tbsp Cumin powder
 1 tbsp Sugar
2 tbsps Ginger paste 
Salt to taste


Place prawns in a bowl. Add salt and turmeric powder. Mix and let them marinate for 15 minutes. Place ¾ cup scraped coconut in a mixer jar. Add ½ cup hot water and grind. Place a muslin cloth over a bowl and pour the coconut over it. Gather the edges of the cloth and squeeze tightly to extract thick coconut milk. Heat 3 tbsps mustard oil in a non stick pan. Add prawns and sauté for 1 minute. Transfer into a bowl and set aside. Slit green chillies. Add 1 tbsp mustard oil to the same pan and heat. Add cumin seeds and mustard seeds and cover the pan and allow the seeds to splutter. Add green chillies, prawns, coconut milk and cook on medium heat for ½ minute. Add red chilli powder, cumin powder, sugar and ginger paste and mix. Cook till the prawns are done. Garnish with remaining scraped coconut and serve hot. 

Health Benefits of Prawns:

Omega 3 fatty acids in prawn is good for the heart. It prevents the heart from diseases and also circulatory problems. These fatty acids lowers triglyceride level which is why prawns are healthy for the heart.Prawns health benefits is also due to its rich content of selenium which prevents the growth of cancer cells therefore protecting the body from cancer.Calcium and vitamin E content in prawns maintains healthy skin, teeth and bones. 
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Amla Murabba-GooseBerry Jam,amla murabba recipe,amla murabba preparation,gooseberry jam recipe,gooseberry jam recipes uk


1 kg Gooseberries 
1 1/4 kgSugar
4 gmCitric acid 
1/2 tsp Alum (for each usage)


Wash and prick amlas all over with a fork.Dissolve alum in 2 litres of water. Soak amlas in this water for 24 hours and wash again with alum water.Boil water in a pan and put amlas in the boiling water and allow it to boil for 2 mins. Keep aside.Prepare sugar syrup with 3/4 litre of water.Put amlas in syrup for 24 hours.Remove amlas from syrup.Boil the syrup to original consistency.Add citric acid and strain.Put amlas back in syrup and keep aside for 24 hours.Repeat this process of removing amla, boiling syrup and adding amla for 4 days.Preserve cooled murabba in a clean tight jar.

Health Benefits Of Amla:

Chyavnaprash a thick mix of ayurvedic formulations constitutes 70% of amla and is the most reliable and effective immune enhancer and health tonic for both children and elderly.Amla contains low molecular weight hydrolyzable tannins namely Emblicanin A and Emblicanin B,It is helpful in curing skin problems, hair problems, acidity, diabetes, asthma, cholesterol and is a natural immune booster.

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Seafood Salad-Christmas Special recipe,seafood salad recipes,seafood salad dressing,seafood salad dishes


Poaching Broth:

  4 cups water
1 chicken stock
2 tbsps salt
2 bay leaves
1 tbsp cracked black pepper
1 small onion, roughly chopped 


 2 celery stalks
1 large yellow or orange bell pepper
1 pound tomatoes
1/2 cup chives
1 pound small cocktail shrimp
1 pound small clams in shell
1/2 pound bay scallops
1/2 pound calamari, cut into rings
1/4 cup high-quality olive oil, or more to taste
Juice of 1-2 lemons
Salt and black pepper to taste


Put all the poaching broth ingredients together in a medium pot, cover and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat to let the flavors steep while you cut the veggies.While the poaching broth is steeping, dice the yellow pepper, seed and dice the tomatoes and slice the celery stalks very thin. Chop the chives. Juice the lemons and remove any seeds. Put the peppers, tomatoes and celery into very large bowl. Most cocktail shrimp are pre-cleaned and cooked, so you can put them in the bowl, too.Bring the poaching broth back to a boil and add all the clams. Boil few minutes.As soon as you see each clam open, fish it out and set it aside. Remove the meat and put in the bowl with the veggies. Turn off the heat and put the scallops in the poaching water. Cover the pot and let stand for few minutes. Fish out the scallops and put into the bowl.Bring the broth to a boil once more. Add the calamari rings and boil few seconds, then pour the contents of the pot into a strainer set over a bowl. You can save the broth or discard it. Pick out all the calamari rings and add to the bowl.To finish, add the olive oil and a little salt and half the lemon juice. Mix well. Finally, mix in the chives and chill. This salad is better a few hours after it's made.

 Benefits of Seafood:

Great for your heart,Clearing the vessels,Joint benefits,Boost your brainpower.

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Tandoori Barbecued Lamb burger-Christmas recipe,tandoori barbecue burger,BBQ tandoori lamb burger


    1kg lamb mince
    1 onion, finely chopped
    2 garlic cloves, crushed
    1 tbsp mango chutney
    1 piece fresh ginger, finely grated
    1 tsp ground coriander
    1 tsp ground cumin
    ½ tsp garam masala
    ¼ tsp ground turmeric
    Pinch of cayenne pepper
    1 tbsp sunflower oil
    1 cucumber
    1 red onion, sliced into rings
    Juice of 1 lemon
    Pinch each of sugar and salt
    10 mini naan breads
    Mint raita
    Fresh mint leaves, to garnish


       Mix all the ingredients for the burgers in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper, cover and chill for 1 hour.Using wet hands, shape the mixture into burgers. Place them flat between sheets of baking paper in a rigid freezerproof container. Freeze for up to 3 months.Defrost the burgers completely in the fridge. Heat a griddle pan or barbecue to hot. Brush both sides of the burgers with oil and cook for few minutes each side or until well browned and cooked through.Meanwhile, use a vegetable peeler to cut ribbons of cucumber. Place in a bowl with the red onion, lemon juice, the sugar and salt, and leave to stand for about 10 minutes. Toast the naan breads.Top each naan bread with some onion and cucumber. Add the burgers, a dollop of mint raita and sprinkle with mint leaves. Serve with spicy potato wedges, extra raita, garnished with more mint, and lime pickle.

      Health benefits of Tandoori cooking:

      The tandoori oven is where all the health benefits of cooking the meat comes from. It is a large clay oven. The meat is suspended in the air by skewers. This process along with the high temperatures allow for the food to be cooked the healthiest way, the fat is melted out almost completely, so by the time it is ready to be served there is none or very little fat left.
      All our chicken are made from pure chicken breast so as to limit the amount of fat but produce the most tender and healthy option for you.

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      Amla Rice(Indian gooseberry),amla rice recipes,indian gooseberry recipes,indian gooseberry rice recipe,amla rice preparation


      7 amlas (indian gooseberries)
      1/2 cup grated coconut
      4 to 5 sliced green chillies
      salt to taste
      1 tbsp oil
      1/2 tsp mustard seeds
      1/2 tsp cumin seeds
      2 tbsp peanuts
      1/2 tsp chana dal
      1/2 tsp urad dal
      5 dry red chillies
      a pinch asafoetida
      6 curry leaves
      a pinch turmeric powder
      2 1/2 cups steamed rice
      1/4 cup boiled green peas


      Wash and chop the amla around the seed and discard the seeds.Combine the amlas, coconut, green chilles and salt and blend in a mixer into paste, adding little water. Keep aside.Heat the oil in a pan and add the mustard seeds and cumin seeds.When the seeds crackle, add the peanuts, urad dal, chana dal, chillies, asafoedita and curry leaves, and saute for a minute on a medium flame.Add the ground amla paste and turmeric powder, mix well and cook on a slow flame for 3 minutes, stirring once in between.Add the steamed rice, green peas and salt and mix gently, cover and cook for 2 minutes on a medium flame.Serve hot.

      Benefits of Amla:

      Amla promotes Digestion,Amla Benefits for Diabetes,Amla improves Skin Health,Reduces Cholesterol,Prevents Cancer,for Weight Loss.

      Ohter benefits:

      • Amla is a source of Vitamin-C which makes it a mighty medicine against cough and cold. Its intake can provide immunity to the body and helps in reducing flu and throat infection.
      • Amla can be helpful in preventing mouth ulcers. Rinsing with amla juice can reduce the occurrence of it.
      • Amla has anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce pain and swelling and is helpful against diseases like arthritis.
      • Amla is a stress reliever and can help in inducing sound sleep.
      • Amla helps in improving memory and improves cognitive functions. It also aids in improving central nervous system of the body.
      • Age related macular degeneration can be avoided by its consumption.
      • It aids in proper functioning of liver and urinary system.
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      Goruchikkudu Ullipaya Curry-Cluster Beans With Onion Curry(Guar),goruchikkudu ullipaya kura,goruchikkudu ulli karam,cluster beans recipe south indian


      Cluster Beans – 400gms
      Onions – 125gms
      Bengal Gram – 1 1/2tsps
      Black Gram – 1 1/2tsps
      Mustard Seeds – 1tsp
      Cumin Seeds – 1tsp
      Salt to Taste
      Turmeric Powder – 1/4tsp
      Red Chili Powder – 1tsp
      Curry Leaves – Few
      Oil – 2 1/2Tbsps


      Wash cluster beans. Take one bean and observe the sides.boil cluster beans before.Peel onions and chop them finely.Heat a pan and add oil to it. When oil is hot add the bengal gram and black gram and fry till the seeds start changing color. Then add mustard seeds and cumin seeds. Fry the seeds splutter. Then add the curry leaves and chopped onions and mix well. Fry till onions turn translucent. Now add the cooked cluster beans and mix. Then add salt, red chili powder and turmeric powder. Mix all well and cook covered for 2 minutes stirring in between if required.Transfer the curry to a serving bowl and serve hot with plain rice.

      Benefits of Cluter Beans: 

      As a rich source of protein and fiber, cluster beans have several health benefits in both vegetable and powder form (guar gum). Guar gum has also been shown to be useful in weight loss and diabetes treatment. The fiber in guar slows down the digestion of a meal which lowers the glycemic index of the meal. The slow digestion means you feel full for a longer period of time, and eat less, thereby helping you lose weight. A diet rich in vegetables coupled is great for the health. Diet experts say that a cup of cooked cluster beans contains nearly 110 calorie. Most of the pod is protein, while the seeds are largely carbohydrate-rich endosperm.

      The nutritional value per 100 gms of raw cluster beans are:
      Energy: 16 Ecals
      Moisture: 81 gm
      Protein: 3 gm
      Fat: 0 gm
      Mineral: 1 gm
      Fibre: 3 gm
      Carbohydrates: 11 gm
      Calcium: 130 mg
      Phosphorous: 57 mg
      Iron: 1 mg
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      Himalayas Salt Brick Grilled Chicken,himalayan salt block grilling,himalayan salt block chicken recipes,himalayan salt plate chicken recipes


      2 (4 by 8 by 2-inch) salt blocks
      1/2kg chicken, preferably free-range
      2 tbsps olive oil
      4 garlic cloves, halved lengthwise
      ½ tbsp coarsely ground black pepper
      Juice of ½ lemon


       Place the salt blocks on a grill grate of a gas grill over low heat, close the lid, and warm for 10 minutes while you prepare the chicken. Turn the heat to medium and heat the block for 10 more minutes. Its surface should be about 375°F. If you are using a charcoal fire, set up a bilevel fire with half the grill set up for low heat (one layer of coals) and the other half set up for medium heat (two layers of coals). Remove and discard the neck and package of innards from the cavity of the chicken. Place the chicken, breast side down, on a cutting board. With a large knife or poultry shears, cut down the length of the spine on both sides. Remove the spine. Cut the breast side of the chicken in half lengthwise. You will now have two chicken halves. Wash the halves in cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Coat with the olive oil and rub all over with the cut sides of the garlic cloves; afterward tuck the pieces of garlic under the edges of the skin. Season all over with the pepper. Clean the area of the grill grate not occupied by the salt block with a wire brush. Put the chicken halves, skin side down, on the grill grate and, using grill gloves or thick oven mitts, put a hot salt block on top of each half. Close the lid and cook until the chicken skin is crisp and deeply grillmarked, about 15 minutes.Remove the blocks using the grill gloves, flip the chicken halves with tongs, put the blocks back on top of the chicken, close the lid, and cook until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the inside of the thicker thigh registers 170°F, 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the salt blocks, transfer the chicken to a clean cutting board, and let rest for 5 minutes before cutting into parts. add lemon juice and serve.

      Health Benefits of Himalayas Salt Brick:

      • Controlling the water levels within the body, regulating them for proper functioning
      • Promoting stable pH balance in the cells, including the brain.
      • Encouraging excellent blood sugar health
      • Aiding in reducing the common signs of aging
      • Promoting cellular hydroelectric energy creation
      • Promoting the increased absorption capacities of food elements within the intestinal tract
      • Aiding vascular health
      • Supporting healthy respiratory function
      • Lowering incidence of sinus problems, and promoting over-all sinus health
      • Reducing cramps
      • Increasing bone strength
      • Naturally promoting healthy sleep patterns
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      Baked Potato Skins With Masala Oats,baked potato skins recipe,best baked potato skins recipe,potato skins recipe cheese and onion


      Potato,boiled4 medium
      2 packets Pepper and Spice Oats
      Oil1 tbsp + for deep-frying
      10 Garlic cloves,finely chopped3 Spring onion bulbs,chopped8 Mushroom,chopped
      A few fresh thyme sprigs
      1/2 Cup Corn kernels
      Saltto taste
      40 gms Cheddar cheese1/2 tbsp Fresh parsley,finely chopped


      Preheat oven at 180°C.Heat 1 cup water in a deep non-stick pan and bring to a boil. Add Saffola Pepper and Spice Oats and stir well. Cover and cook till the moisture is absorbed and the oats are cooked.Halve potatoes with skin. Scoop out the flesh, mash and add to the pan. Reserve the shells.
       Heat 1 tbsp oil in a non-stick pan. Add garlic and sauté. Add spring onion bulbs and sauté well.
       Add mushrooms and toss. Add thyme and toss to mix.Add corn kernels, little water and toss to mix. Add salt, mix and cook on low heat till the corn turns soft. Mix well and add cooked oats. Mix again and transfer the mixture into a bowl. Grate 20 gms cheese into it and mix well. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai. Deep-fry potato shells till golden. Drain on absorbent paper. Fill the fried potato shells with generous amount of cooked oats mixture and place them on an ovenproof dish. Grate remaining cheese on top, put the dish in the preheated oven and bake for 10 minutes. Remove from oven, garnish with parsley and serve hot.

      Benefits of Potato, Oats:

      High Blood Pressure,Cancer,for Weight Loss.

      Calories 278
      Saturated Fat
      Cholesterol 0 mg
      Carbohydrate 63 g
      Protein 6 g
      Dietary Fiber 6 g
      Sodium 21 mg
      Vitamin C 37 mg
      Niacin 5 mg
      Vitamin B6 1 mg
      Iron 2 mg
      Magnesium 81 mg
      Phosphorus 224 mg
      Potassium 1,627 mg

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      Orange Olive Oil Cake Recipe-Christmas Special,orange olive oil cake saveur,sicilian salted olive oil orange cake,olive oil orange cake


      • Nonstick baking spray, with flour
      •  5 large oranges
      • 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
      • 1 1/2 tbsps baking powder
      • 1 3/4 tbsps kosher salt
      • 5 large eggs
      • 3 cups granulated sugar
      • 1 1/2 cups mild extra-virgin olive oil
      • sugar, for sprinkling

      • Method:
       Position a rack in the middle of the oven, remove any racks above, and crank up the heat to 350°F (175°C). Coat a 12-cup Bundt or tube pan with baking spray and set aside. Finely grate the zest of 3 of the oranges, then squeeze 4 of them. You should have 1 1/2 cups of juice; if not, squeeze the 5th orange. Set aside.Whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl and set aside.With a handheld mixer in a large bowl, beat the eggs on medium-high speed until well-combined, about 1 minute. Slowly pour in the granulated sugar and continue beating until thick and pale yellow, about 3 minutes. On low speed, alternate adding the flour mixture and oil, starting and ending with the flour, and beat until just a few wisps of flour remain. Pour in the orange juice and zest and whirl for a few seconds to bring the batter together. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake until a cake tester comes out with a few moist crumbs clinging to it, about 1 1/4 hours. If the top is browning too much as the cake bakes, cover lightly with foil. Transfer to a wire rack and cool for 15 minutes.Turn the cake out onto the rack and cool completely, then place it in a covered cake stand and let it sit overnight. Just before serving, dust with powdered sugar.

      • Benefits of Orange:

      • Weight Control,Blood Pressure Management,Diabetes Prevention.

        Calorie Information
        Amounts Per Selected Serving
        (354 kJ)
          From Carbohydrate
        (323 kJ)
          From Fat
        (7.5 kJ)
          From Protein
        (23.9 kJ)
          From Alcohol
        (0.0 kJ)

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      Nilgiri Kiwi Cashewnut Korma,nilgiri kiwi cashew nut korma,kiwi and cashew nut korma


      •2 Kiwi
      •8-10 Cashewnuts soaked in water with a pinch of turmeric for 2-3 hours
      •1Onion medium
      •2-3Green chillies
      •1inch Ginger
      •6-8 Garlic cloves
      •4 tbsps Oil
      •1 tbsp Cumin seeds
      •1 1/2 tbsps Coriander seeds
      •1/2 cup Scraped coconut
      •1/2 tbsp Turmeric powder
      •1 cup Fresh coriander leaves,roughly chopped
      •1/2 cup Yogurt
      •1 medium Carrot peeled, cut into cubes and boiled
      •6-8 French beans stringed, cut into diamonds and blanched
      •7-8 small Cauliflower florets,boiled
      •2 tbsps Green peas,boiled
      •1/2 tbsps Garam masala powder
      •Saltto taste
      •Fresh mint (pudina)a sprig
      •Red capsicum,for garnisha few strips


      Slice onion and finely chop green chillies, ginger and garlic cloves. Heat 2 tbsps oil in a non stick pan. Add cumin seeds and coriander seeds and saute till fragrant.Add onion, green chillies, ginger and garlic and sauté till onion becomes brown.Add coconut, turmeric powder and coriander leaves and mix well.
      Switch off the heat and transfer the mixture into a mixer jar. Add yogurt and grind into a smooth paste. Transfer into a bowl. Roughly chop the kiwis and grind into a purée.Heat the remaining oil in another non stick pan. Add the coconut-coriander paste and saute for 5-6 minutes. Add the kiwi pulp, cashewnuts, carrot, French beans, cauliflower, green peas and mix. Add 3 cups water, garam masala powder, salt and mix well. Bring it to a boil and cook till the gravy thickens.Transfer into a serving bowl, garnish with a mint sprig and few strips of red capsicum. Serve hot.

      Benefits of Nilgiri Kiwi:

      A recent study by the University of Oslo in Norway disclosed that consuming two to three kiwifruit per day helped blood thinning, reduced blood clotting and lowered fat content in the blood, thereby maintaining cardiovascular health.The fruit is good for pregnant women, too. A woman requires about 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid for healthy development of the foetus in early pregnancy. Since kiwifruit is a good source of folate, which helps brain and cognitive development and prevents neural defects in babies (both before and during pregnancy), it is essential for expecting mothers.
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      water amaranthus leaves fry(Best recipe for eye disease),amaranth leaf stir fry,amaranth greens stir fry


      4 cups Water Amaranth Leaves  chopped
      1 Onion, sliced thin
      2 - 3 tbsp Dry Coconut Powder
      1/2 tsp Mustard Seeds
      1/2 tsp Urad Dal
      1/2 tsp Chana Dal
      14 tsp Turmeric Powder
      2 - 3 Dried Red Chillies
      1.5 tbsp Oil
      Salt to taste


      Heat oil in a pan. Add the mustard seeds, chana dal and urad dal and fry until lentils are golden color.
      Add the broken red chillies to it and fry for a couple of seconds.Then add the sliced onion and fry until translucent.Now add the washed and wet leaves, salt and turmeric powder. Mix well and cover with a lid.Reduce the flame to low and let it cook completely. Open the lid and saute uncovered until all the water evaporates and the curry is dry.Add the coconut and fry for a minute.Remove from the flame and serve hot with rice.

      Benefits of water amaranthus leaves :

      Vitamins,Minerals,Protein,Dietary Fiber and Amino Acids,Palatability,Disease Prevention,Immune Support, Grey Hair Prevention.

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      ponnaganti Aku kura(Water Amaranthus Leaves curry)-Best recipe for eye diseases,amaranth leaves sabzi,amaranth leaves recipes


      4 cups Ponnaganti leaves chopped finely 
      1/2 cup Toor dal   
      1/2 tsp Chilli Powder 
      3 Tbsp Coconut powder 
      3 Tbsp Peanut Powder 
      1 tsp Sugar/Grated Jaggery
      Salt as per taste
      2 tsp Seasoning Oil 
      2 tsp Chana dal 
       2 tsp Urad dal
      1/2 tsp  Mustard seeds 
      1 tsp Jeera 
       1 Dry Red Chilli and 
      a pinch of Hing 


      In a covered sauce pan, boil the finely chopped ponnaganti leaves and Toor dal with sufficient water.
      After the dal is just about cooked and the leaves look cooked too, drain the water and keep the water aside . This water is very nutritious and we can use vegitable stock.  Upon cooling, squeeze out the excess water in the dal  and  ponnaganti leaves.In a separate sauce pan, add oil and the rest of seasoning and when it is done, add the squeezed out ponnaganti leaves + dal mixture. Fry it a little and add the rest of the powders (Coconut, peanut, chilli). 
      Add salt to taste and also the grated jaggery or sugar. Mix well and when the curry is dry enough, switch off the flame and the curry is ready to be served.serve with rice and ghee.

      just add little salt to the water and pepper and offer it to kids or drink it yourself! Or this water can be added to rasam or sambar or dal.
      Benefits of Ponnaganti Aku:

      Vitamins,Minerals,Protein,Dietary Fiber and Amino Acids,Palatability,Disease Prevention,Immune Support, Grey Hair Prevention.

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