Baked egg Bread-Christmas special,baked egg bread recipe,baked egg bread casserole,baked eggs bread cups


1 Rustic French Bread
 2 slices chicken
3 large eggs
2 tbs cream
1/2 cup cheese
2 sprind onion
salt and freshly ground pepperfor taste


Preheat oven to 350. Place bread on a lightly greased baking sheet. Slide into the oven and bake for about 20 minutes. Remove from oven and slice them. Pull out some of the dough filling inside each loaf, creating little boats. In the meantime, dice the chicken and cook until crispy. Remove the chicken and drain.mix the eggs and cream. Then add chicken, cheese, spring onions, a pinch of salt and pepper.combine to each other. Pour the filling into each boat and bake an 25 minutes, until set in the center and golden brown.  
Health benefits of Baked egg bread:
Whole wheat bread contains vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and niacin’s that are
very important to your health and for weight maintenance. Studies has shown that women who eat   

 wheat instead of white breads weight much less and are better able to maintain their healthier

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Samosa pinwheels-Christmas special,samosa pinwheels recipe,samosa pinwheels



2-1/2 cups of mashed potatoes
1/2 cup green peas boiled and drain,
1 tbsp cumin seeds
1 tbsp green chilie
2 tbsps coriander powder
1/2 tbsp red chili pepper
1/2 tbsp garam masala
1 tbsp mango powder
 salt, adjust to taste
2 tbssps finely chopped cilantro

1 cup all purpose flour
2 tbsps fine sooji (semolina flour)
1/2 tbsp salt
3 tbsps oil
1/3 cup cold water
3 tbsps all purpose flour (maida or plain flour)
1/4 cup water
Oil to fry



 Mix flour, salt and oil add water to make soft dough add water as needed.cover it with a damp cloth. Let the dough keep for at least 15 minutes.

Squeeze the water from green peas and mix all the ingredients for filling; potatoes, cumin seeds, coriander, green chili, mango powder, salt, and cilantro together. Divide the filling in 2 parts and set aside  
Making Pinwheels

Mix the all purpose flour and water to make thin batter. Set aside.Knead the dough for a minute and divide into 2 equal parts and roll them into balls.Roll the ball into diameter.Spread one part of the filling evenly over rolled dough, slightly pressing.Use a little water to seal the end of the sheet firmly, roll the log gently 6-7 times this helps keeping together.With a sharp knife slice the both ends about 1 inch long then slice the log into ½ inch thick, this should make about 14 -16 pinwheels. Press each pinwheel lightly.Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium high heat.Dip the pinwheel in the batter one at a time and slowly drop in the oil in frying pan.Fry the pinwheels until both sides are golden-brown.The crispy, delicious pinwheels are now ready to serve.
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Radish Paratha-Christmas recipes,radish paratha recipe,mooli paratha recipe


amchur powder – 1 – tsp
coriander leaves – 1 – bunch
cumin powder – pinch – piece
Green chillies – 2
Oil – 1/2 – tsp
Radish – 2
red chilli pdr – 1/2 – tsp
salt – to taste – as per taste
wheat flour- 1 – cup


Take a radish, Peel the radish and grate it.Add salt,red chilli,amchure,cumin powder,green chillies finely chopped,coriander leaves, mix well and Squeez this mixture and remove water from it and keep aside.Now take wheat flour and make dough with drained radish water,little oil, and normal water.keep it for 15 min.Divide the dough into small equal parts make a small chapati and stuff mixture into it and make a chapati.Take a pan, heat it and fry the parathas slowly. Fry them on both the sides with oil, or Take a pan, heat it and fry the grated raddish,add red chilli,cumin,amchur,salt,onions,mix well till the raddish becomes dry.Divide the dough into small equal parts.make a small chapati andstuff mixture into it and make abig chapati.Take a pan, heat it and fry the parathas slowly. Fry them on both the sides with butter or ghee or oil.Serve hot with raitha.
Health benefits of Radish:
  • Jaundice
  • Piles.
  • Cancer
  • Weight Loss
  • Leucoderma
  • Skin Disorders
  • Urinary Disorders
  • Kidney Disorders
  • Fever
  • Insect Bites
  • Liver and Gallbladder
  • Respiratory Disorders, Bronchitis and Asthma
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Chilli CheeseToast-christmas special,chilli cheese toast recipe,chilli cheese toast recipe in microwave,chilli cheese toast indian recipe

  • 4Whole wheat Bread
  • 1/2 cupMozzarella Cheese
  • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
  • 1 Chopped Green Chilli
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/4 tsp grated Garlic
  • 1/4 cup Chopped Tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup Coriander Leaves
  • Olive Oil
  • - See more at:

  • 4Whole wheat Bread
  • 1/2 cupMozzarella Cheese
  • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
  • 1 Chopped Green Chilli
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/4 tsp grated Garlic
  • 1/4 cup Chopped Tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup Coriander Leaves
  • Olive Oil
  • - See more at:

    • 4Whole wheat Bread
    • 1/2 cupMozzarella Cheese
    • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
    • 1 Chopped Green Chilli
    • Salt to taste
    • 1/4 tsp grated Garlic
    • 1/4 cup Chopped Tomatoes
    • 1/4 cup Coriander Leaves
    • Olive Oil
    • - See more at:

      • 4Whole wheat Bread
      • 1/2 cupMozzarella Cheese
      • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
      • 1 Chopped Green Chilli
      • Salt to taste
      • 1/4 tsp grated Garlic
      • 1/4 cup Chopped Tomatoes
      • 1/4 cup Coriander Leaves
      • Olive Oil
      • - See more at:


Bread - 2 slices
Cheese - 3 tbsp
Green Chillies - 2
Green Capsicum - 2 tbsp cubed
Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
Italian Seasoning 1/2 tsp 
Salt - to taste


Cut green chillies finely, cube the capsicum - set aside. Take grate cheese in a bowl and mix green chillies and capsicum with it.Add pepper and salt.Take the bread slice and apply the cheese chilli mixture. Sprinkle seasoning. Meanwhile preheat oven at 180 deg C for 10mins and bake it at the same temperature for 3-5mins until cheese melts completely the turn the knob to grill mode and grill it for 3mins till the cheese bubbles and starts browning.

Health Benefits of  Chilli Cheese Toast: 

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  • 4Whole wheat Bread
  • 1/2 cupMozzarella Cheese
  • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
  • 1 Chopped Green Chilli
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/4 tsp grated Garlic
  • 1/4 cup Chopped Tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup Coriander Leaves
  • Olive Oil
  • - See more at:

    • 4Whole wheat Bread
    • 1/2 cupMozzarella Cheese
    • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
    • 1 Chopped Green Chilli
    • Salt to taste
    • 1/4 tsp grated Garlic
    • 1/4 cup Chopped Tomatoes
    • 1/4 cup Coriander Leaves
    • Olive Oil
    • - See more at:

Christmas Potpourri Simmer Pot,christmas potpourri simmering,homemade christmas simmering potpourri recipe


Sliced Lemon
Sliced Orange
Cinnamon Sticks
Bay Leaves
Fresh Cranberries
Mint extract
Fresh Pine needles


 Take one lemon and slice it. Then slice half of the orange.Then combine the sliced citrus fruit into a pot along with 2sticks of cinnamon, 4 bay leaves, and 2 tbsps of cloves.Then you simply add some water and place on the stove to simmer.Within five minutes your home starts to smell amazing Aromas.

History of potpourri:

Potpourri was created in the 12th century for the purpose of freshening rooms in castles for the people of that time. Spices or herbs were placed in huge cooking cauldrons after the meal tasks of the day had been completed. People then took these herbs and spices and placed them in containers with lids, moistened them with spirits, and left them to rot. This process created a pungent perfume which was released each time the lid was lifted. Flowers were then placed in handsome bowls and baskets with these fragrant herbs and spices to beautify rooms throughout the castle.

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Coconut Laddu-Christmas recipe,coconut laddu recipe,coconut ladoo recipe with jaggery,dry coconut ladoo recipe


1 cup dry coconut powder
1 cup milk powder
3/4 cup sugar free powder (stevia)
5-6 tbsps boiled milk
12 pieces raisins


Mix coconut powder, milk powder and sugar powder in a bowl.Slowly add milk and shape the mixture into laddus. (If required you can add more milk).Garnish each laddu with raisins. Serve.

 Health benefits of Coconut Laddu:
Coconut is a very versatile and indispensable fruit for most people under the tropical belt. It is a complete food is rich in calories, vitamins, and minerals. An average-size nut weighing 400 g edible meat and water provide almost all the daily-required essential minerals, vitamins, and energy for a medium-sized person.
100 g kernel consists of 354 calories. Much of this comes from the fats and protein. Although, its meat is disproportionately high in saturated fats on comparison to other common edible nuts, coconut has many bioactive compounds that are essential for better health.
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eggs Benedict,eggs benedict recipe,eggs benedict delhi,eggs benedict salmon,eggs benedict smoked salmon


3 tbsp white wine vinegar
4 large free range eggs
2 toasting muffins
1 batch hot hollandaise sauce 
4 slices Parma ham


Bring a deep saucepan of water to the boil and add the vinegar. Break the eggs into 4 separate coffee cups.Split the muffins, toast them and warm some plates.Swirl the vinegared water briskly to form a vortex and slide in an egg. It will curl round and set to a neat round shape. Cook for 2-3 mins, then remove with a slotted spoon. Repeat with the other eggs, one at a time, re-swirling the water as you slide in the eggs. Spread some sauce on each muffin, scrunch a slice of ham on top, then top with an egg. Spoon over the remaining hollandaise and serve at once.
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saffron buns-Christmas brunch,saffron buns recipe,saffron buns recipe swedish,saffron buns recipe dry yeast,saffron rolls recipe


300ml whole milk
1tbsp pack saffron
1/2cup butter
1/2kg strong white bread flour
100g golden caster sugar
7g  yeast
1 large egg, beaten
a little oil, for greasing
24 currants


Put the milk in a small pan and gently heat until it’s steaming. Use a pestle and mortar to grind the saffron into a powder. Add this to the pan of milk along with the butter. Swirl to melt the butter, then set aside until lukewarm.In a large bowl, mix the flour, caster sugar, 1 tsp salt and the yeast together, and make a well in the middle of the bowl. Pour in the milk mixture along with the egg. Mix together to form a sticky dough.Put the dough into a lightly oiled bowl and cover.Set the bowl for about 1 hr until doubled in size.back the dough and divide into equal portions.Roll up one end into the middle, turn over and roll the other end into the middle, forming the dough into an S-shape. Place the buns on parchment-lined baking tray.While the buns prove, heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.
When ready to bake, brush the buns with beaten egg and press a currant into the centre of each spiral. Put the trays in the oven and bake for around 15 mins. Allow to cool before serving. 
 Health benefits of Saffron:
Saffron has been used as a medicinal spice for many centuries. It is known to be an anti-oxidant, and it is used in traditional medicine to treat tumours and depression. It also has properties that encourages oxygen flow and prevents cell death. Large doses can, however, prove fatal and it acts as an antispasmodic, diaphoretic, carminative, emmenagogic, and sedative.
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Blushing Pomegranate Chicken-Christmas Special,pomegranate chicken,pomegranate chicken salad


2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and quartered
 1/2kgbone-in chicken pieces
1 cup pomegranate juice
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp ground ginger
4 cloves garlic
1 tbspsalt
1/4 tbsp black pepper
1 bunch green onions, sliced
1/4 cup pomegranate seeds


 Arrange sweet potatoes and chicken pieces in baking dish. In a small bowl, mix together pomegranate juice, sherry vinegar, olive oil, brown sugar, ginger, garlic, and salt and pepper. Pour over chicken and sweet potatoes. Cover, and marinate for  2 hours, turning once.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake, uncovered, in preheated oven for 45 minutes, or until chicken and sweet potatoes are cooked through. Baste with cooking juices several times while cooking.Sprinkle with green onion and pomegranate seeds before serving.

Health Benefits of Pomegranates:
  • Pomegranates are often appreciated because they are filled with more antioxidants like punicalagin than other superfoods like acai berry juice or green tea.
  • Pomegranates are also high in vitamin C, with 100 ml containing 16 percent of a person’s daily requirement.
  • It also contains high amounts of vitamin K that helps to support bone health and vitamin B5 that helps the body metabolize, protein, carbohydrates and fats.

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Chettinadu Mushroom Biryani-Christmas Special,Chettinadu Mushroom biryani recipe,mushroom biryani recipe south indian,mushroom biryani recipe step by step


250 gms mushrooms
2/3 cup curd
1 tbsp Ginger garlic paste
1 tbsp red chilly powder
1 tbsp coriander powder
1/2 tbsp turmeric powder
1/2 tbsp garam masala
1 cup of the fried onion
2 cups of basmati rice
 3 cups of onion sliced fine
salt to taste
1/2 cup each of fresh mint and coriander leaves.
Mix all of the above together and set aside in the refrigerator for about 30 mins.
basmati rice washed till water runs clear, and soaked in 2 cups of water for 30 mins.
onion slices, heat a pan with 2 tablespoons of oil and shallow fry till golden brown, set aside on a plate.


In a thick bottomed deep pan, heat two tbsps of oil and one tbsp of ghee. Add two bay leaves, 2 cloves, two small sticks of cinnamon and a couple of star anise,one tbsp of shahi jeera and1tbsp of fennel seeds.When it splutters add the marinating mushrooms with the entire marinade and cook on med flame for 5 mins till the mushrooms begin to shrink and the oil is coming to the sides of the pan.
Add one cup of coconut milk, cook for a few minutes. Drain the water that the rice is soaking in. reserve the same water to be used to cook the rice. Sauté the rice gently so that it doesn’t break till it is well coated in the masala, add the drained water from the soaking rice, check for salt and add more if needed, also add half tbsp of garam masala powder.Cover with a loose lid and cook for10-15 mins till the rice is done but fluffy. The water should be fully absorbed by now. Leave closed for few mins. Fluff with a fork. To serve put it on a plate and sprinkle the remaining fried onions, some mint and coriander with pudina chutney.

Nutrition Values Of  Chettinadu Mushroom Biryani:

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Hyderabad Apollo Fish-Christmas Special,hyderabad apollo fish recipe,hyderabad apollo fish


Boneless fish - 500 gms
 Ginger garlic paste - 2 tbsps 
 Red chilly powder - 3 tbsps 
Pepper powder - 1 tbsp
 Refined wheat flour - 2 tbsps 
 Cornflour - 2 tbsps 
 Egg - 1 number
 Green chillies -5
 Chopped garlic - 8 cloves
 Curry leaves - 4 sprigs
 Beaten yoghurt - 6 tbsps 
 Dhania powder - 1/2 tbsp
 Coriander leaves - 4 sprigs
 Salt -2 tbsps


Wash and Cut the fish fillets into small bite size pieces.In a bowl add fish with salt,chili powder,ginger paste,egg white only,corn flour,madia and food color if you like.Mix well marinate fish for 2hours.Heat some oil in a pan and when it hot fry fish pieces.let it cook in medium flame.Once the fish is light brown take them off.Keep it aside.In another pan heat some oil and chopped garlic pieces,green chillies,curry leaves fry for few min.Now add onions fry it,add red chillie powder, coriander powder,cumin powder,turmeric powder,ajinomoto,salt  stir well Now add fried fish pieces mix well,now add 1/2 cup of water .Cover and cook.Now remove the lid and add coriander leaves mix well till its dry.shift into serving bowl.

 health Benefits of Apollo Fish:

Asthma - children who eat fish may be less likely to develop asthma,
Brain and eyes - fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids can contribute to the health of brain tissue and the retina,Cancer
 - the omega 3 fatty acids in fish may reduce the risk of many types of cancers by 30 to 50 per cent, especially of the oral cavity, oesophagus, colon, breast, ovary and prostate.

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Mushroom Crepe Cake-Christmas Special,mushroom crepe cake recipe,mushroom cake recipe,how to make mushroom cake


1 cup diced yellow onions
3 tbsps butter
1/2cup shiitakes, stemmed and sliced thinly
1/3 cup creminis (thinly sliced)
1/2 tbsp kosher salt
1/4 tbsp freshly ground pepper
1/2cup milk
1/2 cup mild white cheese
2 tbsps chives, thinly sliced
1/4 cup Parmesan, shredded
For Savory crepes:
2 large eggs
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1 cup flour
3 tablespoons melted butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup chopped herbs, spinach, or sun-dried tomatoes
Butter, for coating the pan


For Savory crepes:   

In a blender, combine all of the ingredients (excepting the butter ) and pulse for few seconds. Place the crepe batter in the refrigerator for 1 hour. This allows the bubbles to subside so the crepes will be less likely to tear during cooking. The batter will keep for up to 48 hours.Heat a small non-stick pan. Add butter to coat. Pour 1tbsp of batter into the center of the pan and swirl to spread evenly. Cook for few seconds and flip and remove to the cutting board. Lay them out flat so they can cool.After they have cooled you can stack them and store in the freezer for up to two months.

In a large saute pan, melt 1tbsp of butter and sweat the onion. Add all the mushrooms and the remaining butter. Season with salt and pepper and cook until mushrooms are soft. Add the milk and reduce by half. Add the provolone and melt. On a buttered sheet pan layer two crepes. This way if the bottom one sticks you can still remove your cake from the pan. Spread a thin layer of the filling onto the crepe. Sprinkle a few chives on each layer. Top with another crepe and spread more mushroom filling on top. Repeat this method until you are out of filling. Top with another crepe and sprinkle on Parmesan. Place under broiler until Parmesan is melted and golden brown. Place onto a cutting board and slice into wedges. Serve immediately. 
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Mushroom Samosa-Christmas special,mushroom samosa recipe,festival special recipe


For Dough:
225 gm flour
1/2 tsp salt
4 tbsp oil
4 tbsp water
For Filling:
2 tbsp oil
1 chopped onion
300 gm diced mushrooms
1 tsp ginger paste
2 chopped green chillies
1/2 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp ground cumin seeds
2 tbsp chopped coriander
2 tbsp lemon juice
oil for frying
salt to taste


Heat the oil in a pan and add the onions and saute till they turn golden brown.Add the remaining ingredients, mix well and cook till the mushrooms are soft.Moisten the edges and shape each samosa patti into a cone.Cool and place a portion of the filling in the center and seal the edges like a samosa.
Heat the oil in a kadhai and deep fry the samosas till they turn golden brown and crisp.
Serve hot with tomato ketchup and pudina chutney.

Health benefits of mushroom:

Weight management,Improved nutrition,Increasing vitamin D levels through your diet,Improved immune system function,Asthma,Rheumatoid arthritis,Renal failure,Stroke damage,Nutrient Composition,Cancer,Antioxidants and Immunity,Weight Management,Umami and Sodium, VitaminD.   

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Sausage Balls-Christmas Special,sausage balls dip,sausage balls dip recipe,sausage balls dipping sauce recipe


1 pound ground pork sausage
2 cups biscuit baking mix
1 pound sharp Cheddar cheese, shredded


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
In a large bowl, combine sausage, biscuit baking mix and cheese. Form into walnut size balls and place on baking sheets.Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes, until golden brown and sausage is cooked through.serve.

Nutrition values of  Sausage Balls:
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Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies-Christmas special,chewy chocolate chip cookies eggless,thick and chewy chocolate chip cookies,thin chewy chocolate chip cookies


2 cups whole grains flour
1/2 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tbsp salt
12 tbsps unsalted butter
1 cup brown sugar 
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk, from a large egg
2 tbsps vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips 
1 cup walnuts


The dough is meant to be on the dry side so it can be rolled, not dropped.If you're not getting a good flavor, try using a higher quality vanilla and chocolate chips.Check your oven temperature, cooking time and temperature is critical. If the cookies are not chewy they are probably overcooked.Bread flour will make the cookies even more chewy, biscuit flour will make them less chewy.Do not let your dough get warm, Pan color is very important, if they are too dark you may experience some crisp edges, try using some parchment and lowering the cooking temperature a bit.Preheat oven to 325°F.
Cover 2 large cookie sheets with parchment paper Mix flour, baking powder & salt in a bowl and set aside.Mix butter and sugars with with a mixer until blended and smooth, add egg, yolk & vanilla.
Mix until incorporated.Add dry ingredients and mix until just combined.Stir in chips and nuts.
Divide into equal balls,EVENLY space on each cookie sheet.Bake for 15 minutes, rotating front to back and top to bottom after 5minutes.Cool on sheets to maintain chewy texture.or eggless dont use eggs.

Health Benefits of Cookies:
If you consume cookies that are made with whole grains, they can be good for your body. Cookies that are made with whole grains like whole wheat or oats can be really healthy. They are rich in fibre and antioxidants that is good for the body. So, you can include whole grain biscuits and cookies without worrying much about your digestion and weight gain.Easy to digest,Low in fat,Aids weight loss. 
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Rosted Herb Lemon Chicken-Christmas Special,grilled Herb Lemon Chicken,butter filled grilled Herb Lemon,Butter filled Rosted Herb Lemon Chicken


2 tbsps Italian seasoning
1/2 tbsp seasoning salt
1/2 tbsp mustard powder
1 tbsp garlic powder
1/2 tbsp ground black pepper
1 whole chicken
2 lemons
2 tbsps olive oil


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).Combine the seasoning, salt, mustard powder, garlic powder and black pepper; set aside. Rinse the chicken thoroughly, and remove the giblets. Place chicken in baking dish. Sprinkle 1 1/2 tbsps of the spice mixture inside the chicken. Rub the remaining mixture on the outside of the chicken.Squeeze the juice of the 2 lemons into a small bowl or cup, and mix with the olive oil. Drizzle this oil/juice mixture over the chicken.Bake in the preheated oven for 1 1/2 hours, or until juices run clear, basting several times with the remaining oil mixture.

Health Benefits of Herb Chicken: 

Healthy herbs have long held an important place in our wellness. Prized since ancient times, and today we even more depend on them to purify our body, mind, and soul!Of course, we all use herbal parts in our daily lives, one way or the other, whether for their fragrance, for their healing power, or in lovely recipes. Herbal benefits are many; be it for spiritual reasons or to spice up your taste buds, or as a home remedy for ailments like cold, or sore throat... herbs are handy for each need!Although, the herbs been in use in our diet since antiquity, only recently have taken the center-stage of nutrition scientific world for their potential health benefiting and detoxification properties. 
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Santa claus Cake Recipe-Christmas Special,santa claus cake design,santa claus cake


Cake 1 box yellow cake mix with pudding
Water, vegetable oil and eggs
 For Frosting and Decorations:
 1 large marshmallow 1 container ,vanilla creamy ready to spread frosting ,1/2 cup flaked coconut ,
1-2 tbspss red sugar ,1 tbspred edible glitter ,1 large green gumdrop, halved 1 miniature marshmallow 3 strands pull apart red licorice twists,strawberries.


 Heat oven to 350°F (or 325°F for dark or nonstick pan). Generously grease pan with shortening; lightly flour.In large bowl, beat cake mix, water, oil and eggs with electric mixer on low speed until blended,scraping bowl occasionally.Bake until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10mins.Carefully remove cake from pan to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 30mins. Cut and assemble cake pieces on foil-covered cardboard. Frost large marshmallow with vanilla frosting; dip in coconut. Set aside. Frost assembled cake with remaining vanilla frosting. Sprinkle redsugar, strawberries on cake for top of hat; sprinkle red edible glitter on top of red sugar. Sprinkle coconut on cake for border of hat and beard. Place large coconut-coated marshmallow on top of hat for tassel. Place gumdrop halves, sugar-side-up, on cake for eyes, mini marshmallow for nose and red licorice twists for mouth. Sprinkle red sugar on cake for cheeks.

About Santa Claus:

The American image of Santa Claus was further elaborated by illustrator Thomas Nast, who depicted a rotund Santa for Christmas issues of Harper's magazine from the 1860s to the 1880s. Nast added such details as Santa's workshop at the North Pole and Santa's list of the good and bad children of the world. A human-sized version of Santa Claus, rather than the elf of Moore's poem, was depicted in a series of illustrations for Coca-Cola advertisements introduced in 1931 that introduced and made the red Santa Suits an icon. In modern versions of the Santa Claus legend, only his toy-shop workers are elves. Rudolph, the ninth reindeer, with a red and shiny nose, was invented in 1939 by an advertising writer for the Montgomery Ward Company. Thanks for Visiting

Christmas Tree pizza Recipe,christmas tree pizza pillsbury,christmas tree pizza


1 onion, finely chopped
1 carrot, grated
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp dried sage
1 tsp sugar
 4-5chopped tomatoes
1packet of bread mix
1/4cup grated mozzarella
400g spinach
2 peppers, one red one yellow


Sweat the onion and carrot in a pan with the olive oil for until soft. Season, add the dried sage and then tip in both tins of tomatoes and bubble on a medium heat.Allow to cool and then make a smooth paste with a blender.Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Make up the dough smooth.Roll out to cover a floured baking tray which you have.Bake in the oven for 5 minutes until the dough has become firm.Meanwhile steam the spinach until wilted, squeeze out all the liquid and set aside.Make your tree decorations by cutting star shapes out of the yellow pepper. Then chop tiny jewels out of both the yellow and red peppers.Take the pizza base out of the oven and then spread evenly with the tomato sauce.Decorate evenly with wilted spinach and scatter with mozzarella cheese. Return to the oven and bake for 10 minutes until golden.Allow to cool slightly then slide off the baking sheet onto a cutting board. Using a pizza cutter cut into triangles. Add your pepper tree decorations and serve.

Health Benefits of pizza:

Pizza has always been seen as a meal high in fat and big guilt factor.But, according to a study, it can also cut your risk of developing a range of cancers.
Researchers discovered that those who ate pizza at least twice a week were 59 per cent less likely to develop cancer of the oesophagus, had a 34 per cent lower risk of throat cancer and were 26 per cent less likely to get colon cancer.There is growing evidence of the health benefits of a diet rich in tomato sauce, but this is the first time that experts have claimed eating pizza can fight disease.
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Immune Tonic Soup,immune tonic herbs,immune tonic recipe,immune tonic tea,homemade immune tonic recipe


20g of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa)
20g of Amla (Emblica officinalis)
6 Shitake Mushrooms
Simmer in 3 pints water- 1/2 hour
Extract Amla and Shatavari
Add 1/2 cup organic pearl barley
Add root vegetables: Beetroots, carrots, potato
Add leeks, onions garlic
Add Seasonal greens- kale, spinach, nettles
Add ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric
Add 1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame
- See more at:
20g of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa)
20g of Amla (Emblica officinalis)
6 Shitake Mushrooms
Simmer in 3 pints water- 1/2 hour
Extract Amla and Shatavari
Add 1/2 cup organic pearl barley
Add root vegetables: Beetroots, carrots, potato
Add leeks, onions garlic
Add Seasonal greens- kale, spinach, nettles
Add ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric
Add 1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame
- See more at:
20g of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa)
20g of Amla (Emblica officinalis)
6 Shitake Mushrooms
Simmer in 3 pints water- 1/2 hour
Extract Amla and Shatavari
Add 1/2 cup organic pearl barley
Add root vegetables: Beetroots, carrots, potato
Add leeks, onions garlic
Add Seasonal greens- kale, spinach, nettles
Add ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric
Add 1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame
- See more at:
20g of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa)
20g of Amla (Emblica officinalis)
6 Shitake Mushrooms
Simmer in 3 pints water- 1/2 hour
Extract Amla and Shatavari
Add 1/2 cup organic pearl barley
Add root vegetables: Beetroots, carrots, potato
Add leeks, onions garlic
Add Seasonal greens- kale, spinach, nettles
Add ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric
Add 1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame
- See more at:
20g of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa)
20g of Amla (Emblica officinalis)
6 Shitake Mushrooms
Simmer in 3 pints water- 1/2 hour
Extract Amla and Shatavari
Add 1/2 cup organic pearl barley
Add root vegetables: Beetroots, carrots, potato
Add leeks, onions garlic
Add Seasonal greens- kale, spinach, nettles
Add ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric
Add 1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame
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20g of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa)
20g of Amla (Emblica officinalis)
6 Shitake Mushrooms
Simmer in 3 pints water- 1/2 hour
Extract Amla and Shatavari
Add 1/2 cup organic pearl barley
Add root vegetables: Beetroots, carrots, potato
Add leeks, onions garlic
Add Seasonal greens- kale, spinach, nettles
Add ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric
Add 1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame
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20g of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa)
20g of Amla (Emblica officinalis)
 6 Shitake Mushrooms
1/2 cup organic pearl barley
Beetroots, carrots, potato
 leeks, onions garlic
Seasonal greens- kale, spinach, nettles
ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric
1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame


In a bowel boil Asparagus racemosa,Amla,Shitake Mushrooms,Simmer in 3 pints water- 1/2 hour
Extract Amla and Shatavari  ,
Add 1/2 cup organic pearl barley,Add root vegetables,Add leeks, onions garlic,Add Seasonal greens,Add ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric.Add 1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame
simmer for 45 mins.

Adjust quantities and water as desired.Add any particular favourite vegetables or herbs.

How to use: 

Eat broth in convalescence.Eat 1-2 week for general immune tonification.

Health Benefits of Tonic Soup:   

Benefits digestion, allergies, fatigue, inflammatory conditions etc.
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20g of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa)
20g of Amla (Emblica officinalis)
6 Shitake Mushrooms
Simmer in 3 pints water- 1/2 hour
Extract Amla and Shatavari
Add 1/2 cup organic pearl barley
Add root vegetables: Beetroots, carrots, potato
Add leeks, onions garlic
Add Seasonal greens- kale, spinach, nettles
Add ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric
Add 1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame
- See more at:
20g of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa)
20g of Amla (Emblica officinalis)
6 Shitake Mushrooms
Simmer in 3 pints water- 1/2 hour
Extract Amla and Shatavari
Add 1/2 cup organic pearl barley
Add root vegetables: Beetroots, carrots, potato
Add leeks, onions garlic
Add Seasonal greens- kale, spinach, nettles
Add ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric
Add 1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame
- See more at:

Egg pickel-christmas special,egg pickle,egg pickle indian recipe,egg pickle recipe,pickled egg recipe


12 hard-cooked eggs, peeled
1 cup white vinegar or lemon juice
1 cup water
1 tbsp granulated sugar
2 tsp pickling spice
1 tsp salt


 Combine vinegar, water, sugar, pickling spices and salt in small saucepan.Bring to boil, stirring frequently, until sugar dissolves. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain liquid through sieve or cheesecloth, if desired. Place eggs in 1lit jar with lid. Pour hot liquid over eggs into jar; Cover jar with lid.  Refrigerate for at least two days before using.

 Health Benefits of pickledEggs:
Pickled eggs are a low-maintenance food that are traditionally prepared by submerging hard-boiled eggs in water and spices for at least 24 hours; the longer the submersion, the richer the flavor. As with other eggs, pickled eggs are high in fat, but you can eliminate the fat by removing the yolks.Pickled eggs can be a good source of protein, if you consume more than one. Each pickled egg with no yolk contains 4 g of protein, which is half of what a cup of milk contains. Protein is essential because it provides the amino acids that build and repair muscle and other body tissues.
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Gujrati recipe-Gujrati recipe,rice panki,rice panki recipe


2 cups rice flour
½ cup curd, beaten
salt to taste
1/4 tsp asafetida
1 tsp jeera powder
1 tsp ginger- chili paste
2 tsp garlic paste
2 tsp oil
½ cup urad dal atta 

4banana leaves 


Combine the rice flour, curds, salt and 3 cups of warm water together in a bowl and mix well to make a thick batter. Cover and keep aside for 3 hours to ferment.Add ¾ to 1 cup of water, asafoetida, cumin seeds, ginger-green chilli paste, garlic and ghee and mix well.Apply little oil on one side of each banana leaf and keep aside.Put 2 tbsp of the batter on one half of the greased side of a banana leaf and spread it evenly to make a thin layer.Cover with another greased banana leaf and place on a moderately hot greased tava. Flip after 2 minutes. Cook the panki on both sides till light brown spots appear. Peal and serve immediately.

Health Benefits of cooking in banana leaves:

Banana leaves used in cuisine are generally large, flexible, and waterproof. When cooking food with or serving or wrapping food with banana leaves, they may confer an aroma to the food leaves; steaming with banana leaves imparts a subtle sweet flavour to the dish.The leaves contain the juices, protect food from burning and add a subtle flavor. In Tamil Nadu (India) leaves are fully dried and used as packing material for food stuffs and also making cups to hold liquid foods. The dried leaves are called 'Vaazhai-ch- charugu'  in Tamil. Some South Indian, Filipino and Khmer recipes use banana leaves as a wrapper for frying. The leaves are later removed to retain flavor. In Vietnamese cuisine, banana leaves are used to wrap foods such as cha-lua. Banana leaves are large, flexible, and waterproof.
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Egg Slice Masala-Christmas special,egg slice masala recipe,egg slice masala curry,how to make egg slice masala



Eggs - 6, hard boiled, peeled and sliced
Onion - 1, large, finely chopped
Curry leaves - 1 sprig
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp
Tomato - 1, finely chopped
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Red chili powder - 1 tsp
Coriander powder - 3/4 tbsp
Cumin powder - pinch
Fennel seed powder - pinch
Garam masala powder - pinch
Tamarind paste - 1/2 tbsp, optional
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves - 1 1/2 tbsps, finely chopped
Oil - 3 to 4 tbsps oil
For coating of egg slices:
Eggs - 2, lightly beaten
Milk - 4 tbsps
Salt to taste
Pepper powder - 1/4 tsp


Heat 2 tbsps olive oil in a large saucepan. Mix all the ingredients for coating of egg slices in a shallow bowl. Add few egg slices in this mixture and coat on both sides. Place each coated egg slice in the hot oil and cook on both sides till lightly browned. Remove onto a plate and keep aside.In a heavy bottomed vessel, add the left over oil and heat.Add chopped onions and saute for until brown. Add ginger-garlic paste and curry leaves and mix.Add red chili powder, turmeric powder, fennel seed powder, coriander powder and cumin powder and mix. Add the chopped tomatoes and fry till oil separates.Add 1 1/2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Reduce flame and add the tamarind paste and fried egg slices and place lid. Cook on simmer for 10 mins.Add the garam masla powder and mix. Cook till you achieve the desired gravy consistency.Turn off flame, remove into serving bowl. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve with steamed rice or rotis,non.

Health Benefits of Egg:

Eggs are great for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent macular degeneraton due to the carotenoid content, specifically lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients are more readily available to our bodies from eggs than from other sources. In another study, researchers found that people who eat eggs every day lower their risk of developing cataracts, also because of the lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs.One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids.According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, there is no significant link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke, and heart attack.

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Prawn Dumplings pot recipe christmas special,prawn pot sticker dumplings,prawn pot sticker recipe


500g green prawns, peeled, roughly chopped
2 tsp grated ginger
2 spring onion, finely chopped
70g water chestnuts, finely sliced
2 tbsp oyster sauce
won ton wrappers
1/2 cup boiling water



Mix prawns, ginger, spring onions, water chestnuts and oyster sauce together.Place a heaped tbsp of the mixture in the centre of a wrapper. Dip your finger in a small bowl of water and apply edge of the wrapper. Fold in half, pinching the seams enclosing the prawn mixture together. Bring the two sides together at the front and squeeze. Continue with remaining ingredients.Bring the kettle to the boil. Heat a large non-stick frying pan on medium-high and spray lightly with oil. Place pot stickers in the frying pan and cook until just browning on the bottom before adding half a cup of boiling water.cook for few minutes until water has been absorbed. Remove from the heat and Serve pot stickers with soya sauce or sweet chilli sauce.

Health Benefits of chestnuts:

Chestnut is a good body builder food and recommended in cases of emaciation .Chestnut aids in the care of the teeth and treatment of pyorrhea. The leaves are used as remedy in fever.
Chestnut is use in convulsive cough such as whooping cough and in other condition of the respiratory organ. Chestnut can help repair microscopic holes and leaks in blood vessels and capillaries; it can also help make the vein wall elastic therefore preventing swelling and damage.

Nutrition Values of chestnuts:

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strawberry banana pancakes-Christmas special,strawberry banana pancakes recipe,ihop strawberry banana pancakes recipe



Large banana peeled
1 Cup pancake mix
½ Cup Water
Nonstick cooking spray
1½ Cup strawberries
½ Cup applesauce


Place banana in a medium bowl and mash into small pieces.Add banana into pancake mix. Stir until blended.The batter will be sticky. More water can be added if needed.Spray nonstick cooking.Heat over medium heat on stovetop . Pour ¼ cup of batter for each pancake into hot skillet.Cook pancakes until they are golden brown in color . Flip pancakes over with a spatula. Cook until they are golden brown . Repeat until you have used all the batter.Place berries and applesauce in a small microwave safe bowl . Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap.Be sure to leave a little opening for the steam to get out.Use pot holders to remove the bowl from the microwave.Place pancakes on each plate.fruit topping over pancakes and Serve .

 Health benefits of strawberry:

They may reduce the risk of degenerative disease,reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, Use strawberries to stop stressing,Prevent bone loss with strawberries,They’re high in antioxidants.

nutrtional facts of strawberry: 

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